February 11, 2024

Mountaintop Blessings

A Jazzy Celebration!

We are ending our season of Ordinary Time and Starry Epiphanies to enter into the beautiful reshaping season of Lent. But not before we go out with a lively Celebration of Joy and Jazz! Broadway will celebrate the Saints Marching in our halls and sanctuary with The Oikos Jazz Ensemble from St. Louis on Sunday, February 11th. The musicians will arrive at 8:00 that morning to set up, warm up, have a bite to eat and then move into The Discipleship Hour with Jazz for the Journey in fellowship hall.

The saxophone will get our feet dancing up the ramp to begin worship by 10:30. Get in the parade, be part of the color, music and gaiety as we celebrate our faith tradition from the middle ages as European Christians marked the feasting before the fasting period leading us into the joy of Easter. This full circle takes us through the life of Christ that is lived between Christmas and Easter. It is joyous and miraculous, it is sorrowful and mysterious as we find full expression in the ways of living and loving. 

Here’s what they say about Oikos:

“Imaginative, inspiring with spiritual improvising, the Oîkos Ensemble takes the listener to feelings and emotions that words cannot adequately express.”

“Oîkos represents the perfect union between the Sunday morning church service and Saturday at a jazz club: pro players with a heartfelt message. They reach audiences with their musical ability and their spirituality.”

Bring your friends, make a date to eat pancakes the next Tuesday and then join us for the solemnity and growth that will usher in with the imposition of ashes on Wednesday. It will be a meaningful week. We will enter in like never before. Broadway in green, gold and the lingering purple.   

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